Our schoolcomms system is currently down. For any urgent queries please contact the school office. Mrs Henderson, Admin Assistant, deals with all queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Mrs Henderson on 0191 2371218 or email: admin@newhartley.northumberland.sch.uk

"It shouldn’t matter how slowly children learn, as long as we are encouraging them not to stop."

Robert John Meehan

We pride ourselves on our welcoming ethos. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to arrange a visit.

Mrs K Dowdney, Head Teacher.


Our School Vision

Our vision for teaching and learning is:

  • For every child to experience high quality teaching and to have access to engaging and varied learning experiences.
  • To foster a love of learning and develop enquiring minds.
  • To enable every child to see the value of mistake making and never be afraid to try.

